ELECT Blog Archives

Election Season 2018

As the general election approaches on November 6, we’ll look at some of the basics when it comes to elections. The midterm presidential election is only two weeks away.  Much is at stake—whether US Senate or House of Representatives flips from Republican majority to a Democratic majority.  Many states have specific items addressing social issues like medical marijuana to increased efficiency measures for our government.  Excitement appears to be very high.

Everywhere you turn, folks seem to be for or against something.  People are expressing their views much more loudly than ever before.  This renewed passion seems to be spilling over into elections.  States report greater voter registration.  Others report increased early voting numbers at this stage two weeks before the general election.

Against this backdrop, we’ll provide basic information on various aspects leading up to the election.  Topics to discuss will range from how to register to vote; how to change voter registration; how to vote by absentee ballot; what identification will suffice at the voting booth; whether giving employees time off to vote is legal, just to name a few of the topics.

If you have any other topics to discuss or any questions about any of the issues raised, let us know and we’ll get right on it.

Happy Election season!