Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’
ELECT Blog Archives
Social media’s influence on the Presidential Campaign
February 19, 2016 | Tags: Social Media, Presidential Campaign, Presidential Election
By Alexis Lindsay On Wednesday, we wrote about what sources voters use for news depending on their age. A majority of Generation X and Millennials get their news from Facebook. Candidates have taken note of the social media trend, and today, we are looking at how the candidates are using social media in the 2016 presidential […]
ELECT Blog Archives
Where is America getting its Political News?
February 17, 2016 | Tags: Election, Political News, Social Media
By Ben Gooding Primary Season is upon us, and as a result, Americans are getting educated on the candidates and issues that will take center stage over the next few months and into the general election in November. So where does the average American get his news on politics and the government? Interestingly, the answer to the […]