Mediation and Arbitration
In addition to their litigation practices, Robinson Gray attorneys are Supreme Court of South Carolina certified mediators and arbitrators. We recognize that many individuals and businesses choose to negotiate their cases outside of the courtroom and, in fact, South Carolina state and federal courts often require the parties to mediate. At Robinson Gray, our mediators offer experience and balance to assist you in resolving disputed matters whether mediation is required by our courts or voluntarily chosen by the parties.
Attorneys and their clients want mediators who understand litigation. Our mediators are experienced litigators who understand the day-to-day challenges of a complex or difficult case. As seasoned litigators experienced in mediation as advocates, we understand how cases are negotiated and the often complicated dynamic of client needs and wants. Our extensive litigation experience allows us to offer you an effective and creative way to resolve your dispute.
Robinson Gray attorneys are also respected arbitrators. Like our mediators, our arbitrators have been in the trenches of hotly contested litigated matters and arbitrations. We understand how the arbitration process works and the circumstances in which the arbitration process is most effective. We recognize that arbitrations are intended to reduce the costs and length of litigation. We know that arbitrations can only be successful with an arbitrator who is fair, responsive, and thorough. At Robinson Gray our top priority is to provide arbitration services that incorporate our knowledge, efficiency, and experience.